
Your Health is a result of your Lifestyle, Habits, Environmental Exposures, and Experiences.
Our goal here at the Center of Longevity & Integrative Medicine is to restore your Optimal Health.
We will work with you to improve:

  • Vitality
  • Energy
  • Restful Sleep
  • Disease Resistance
  • Quality of Life
  • Reduction of Risk Factors

Through proper diet, exercise, nutritional supplements, and natural bio-identical hormone replacement, you can restore your body with the energy and vitality that you experienced at a younger age.

The Center offers patients from the Los Angeles-Beverly Hills area, San fernando Valley & Ventura County, many opportunities to get back to optimal health.

We recommend our Ultimate Executive-CEO Physical, a comprehensive health examination of all the important areas for your wellness plan.

Our Heart Attack and Stroke Prevention Center of Southern California provides critical Heart Disease Inflammation Testing to provide you with a clear, comprehensive view of your cardiovascular health.

Learn more about Functional & Integrative Medicine, and how important a whole-body and healing-focused approach is to your optimal and long-term health.
